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Top Water Lures – Fast Action, Good Fights

Top Water Lures – Fast Action, Good Fights

Top water lures offer plenty of action.  They can be tricky to use.

Fishing Top Water Lures

Top Water lures work in any water.   These lures can be cast from a jetty, a pier. Surface casters use top water lures from the beach.  They are trolled from a boat. The depth of this bait is up to 6 feet deep.  A fast retrieval works best.  Steel leaders and swivels should be used.  Weight and retrieval affect depth.  Trolling should be at medium speed.

Choosing Top Water Lures

Lures should match bait fish.  Color, pattern, size and shape are important.  Running depth and lure action are also important.  Bright colors work best in dark water.  Lure action should imitate bait fish.  Metal lures will dart. Lures with bills usually wobble.  Larger lures can have agitators to stir the water.

Maintaining Top Water Lures

Because these lures are effective mostly because of the action, they need to be maintained.  Bent nose hooks, broken fins, bends in the lure all can ruin action.

Its good for any lure to have sharp hooks.  These lures are retrieved fast.  Dull hooks will loose fish.   Dive bills should in good shape.  Agitators should be working.  If you love a beat up lure, put it in a special place.  Don’t fish with it.

The lures below show types of top water lures.  Click on a lure to purchase or to scroll through dozen of other lures.  To purchase any product type that product into the search bar.

this runs on top water
Super Spook by Heddon
This is a top water lure.
Skitter Walk by Rapala

This is a top water lure.
Ball Tuna Lure by Mizugiwa
This is top water lure.
Rip Roller Peacock by High Roller


This is a top water lure.
Red Fish by Rapala
This is a top water lure.
Manic Prey by Savage Gear
This is a top water Lure
Metal Blade Bait by Hisea



Share you thoughts on this page in the comment section of the home page.  Have you fished these baits?  Did you troll or cast?  Did you catch fish? Do you surf cast or fish from a boat?